miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2021

 "Library of my dreams Activity"

Our dear fifth graders students could visit our town Public Library. They enjoyed quite an interesting and rewarding guided visit.

They got to know how a big public library works, they learnt about the system to check out books from the library, books classification (Children´s Literature, Teenagers´ Literature, National Literature, Local Literature, Foreign Language Literature....), books gender classification (narrative, poetry, drama) and the library facilities (study room, computers room,kindergarten area, research area...).

Interesante recorrido que vivieron nuestros alumnos durante la visita guiada por la biblioteca pública de Dos Hermanas. Aprendieron mucho sobre cómo se organiza y funciona una gran biblioteca: sus diferentes estancias, su sistema de préstamos y sus maravillosos duendecillos encargados de velar por el cuidado de los valiosos ejemplares que allí se guardan y custodian.

 "A book is telling activity"

Our dear sixth graders were visited by an editor who works for Readuck Publishing House in Seville. This publishing house focuses on editing fantasy, horror and science fiction books. 

Students were told about the process every book undergoes before we are able to read it.

Children got really interested in the concern and they learnt a lot from the presentation the editor gave them.

Interesante presentación que un editor trabajador de la Editorial Readuck de Sevilla dio a nuestro alumnado de sexto sobre cómo ve la luz un libro.



jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2021

After a week of quite an interesting work about READING together with our partners from Lithuania and Turkey as well as Lithuanian students in an online way, we are on the newspaper!!!

Después de una semana en la que hemos llevado a cabo un interesante trabajo junto a maestros y maestras lituanos y turcos, así como junto a alumnado lituano de forma online,

 ¡hemos salido en el periódico!

lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2021

Short term exchange groups of students. Blended organisation.

November 29th - December 2nd


Online Spanish mobility video to sum up the Erasmus + "READING· project experiences we could live together with Lithuanian students in an online way and lithuanian and Turkish teachers who were able to join us here in Dos Hermanas, Seville.

Vídeo resumen de las actividades organizadas durante los días de intecambio virtual con el grupo de alumnos de Lituania y de acogida del profesorado lituano y turco que pudieron unirse físicamente a nosotros en la mencionada organización dentro del Proyecto Erasmus + "READING" que desarrolla nuestro centro.



jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2021

Cute and nice play about the importance of being a READER (among some other important things!!!).

Thank you very much dear fifth graders!!!

We can say that your friends from the Lithuanian school really liked the play. Thanks to the online connection we had in the morning they also enjoyed it !!!

Their dear teachers could do it in person!!!

Congrats guys!!!