miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

"The Story From The Picture" OCTOBER ACTIVITY

"The Story From The Picture"

Empiezan a llegarnos las historias elaboradas durante el mes de octubre. La actividad se llama "The Story From The Picture", basada en la actividad desarroollada durante el mes de septiembre, pero esta vez el alumnado dibuja y después cuentan y escriben una historia inspirada en los dibujos.

Time for the October READING activity. "The Story From The Picture" is the name of the entrusted task. It is based on the September one, although this time the young students have to draw a picture or some pictures that inspire them to make up stories....

Take a look at this one. "Wonder Balloon" ("Globo Maravilla" in Spanish). Quite a funny story about a flying balloon going round and round.... "Five years old C" students really made the grade!!!!! Congrats on your work!!!

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