My Favourite reading style
have followed out activities which have helped themselves to find out about the
reading styles. They have carried out some different readings
in class and later they have analyzed all the styles they have fulfiled in the
class. Afterwards they have chosen their favorite
ones and presented on a poster the reasons why they like a reading style
more than others and they have been filmed.
My estilo de lectutura favotito
de varias estilos lecturas realizadas en clase nuestro alumnado a
decidido elegir aquellos que más les gusta y han dado las razones. Aquí
os dejamos sus trabajos
Here, on this video you can see an example of reading style, in this case an oral and group reading style!!!
Ejemplo de un video de le estilo de lectura oral grupal.
On the photo we can see how they are thinking about the reasoins why they prefer some reading styles to another ones.
Here, on this video you can see an example of reading style, in this case an oral and group reading style!!!
Ejemplo de un video de le estilo de lectura oral grupal.
On the photo we can see how they are thinking about the reasoins why they prefer some reading styles to another ones.
Pensando en las razones por las que le gustan unas formas de lecturas a otras...
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