lunes, 12 de abril de 2021


  "Reading person..."
(This activity should have been done in September 2020.
 It had to be put off because of the pandemic)

"Persona que lee..."
(Esta actividad deberúia haberse hecho en septiembre de 2020. 
Tuvo que ser pospuesta por la pandemia )

Our dear students belonging to fourth grade C give us a presentation about a catalogue they made on reading people they know. They are offering us some pictures of these people during their reading act and telling us about what they are reading, what their favourite books are, how often the normally  read and when they usually read.
Nice combination between the art of shooting pictures and reading!!!
We can watch them on the following videos.
 Enjoy them!!!

Algunos alumnos de 4º C comparten con sus compañeros sus catalogos sobre las personas que conocen que lean con asiduidad en los siguientes vídeos que esperamos que disfrutéis.
Well done, Martina!!
Good job, Julia!!!
Thank you, Jesús, for your presentation!!
Very nice, Irene G.!!!
Splendid, Irene B.!!!
Amazing performance, dear Hugo!
Fernando, thanks for your effort!!!
Wonderful, Virginia!!
Elisa, you really made the grade!!!
Pablo, beautiful presentation!
Dear Eli S., nice job too!!!
 Thank you, Eli D., for such a nice presentation!!!
Alba, you are great!!!

So you are, Álex!!!

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