martes, 4 de mayo de 2021


Fifth grade students were also interested in giving a presentation in front of the class, but they decide to answer to the condition:

 “If I were a writer, I would write a book about…” , by making a minibook in which they told us about the kind of book they would write if they were writers!!!

Take a look at the video that shows the minibook rsesult and later at these other videos belonging to fifth grade students giving their presentations.

El alumnado de quinto también deciden responder a la pregunta de qué libro escribirían si fueran escritores y lo hacen confeccionando un minilibro cuyos rsultados son maravillosos.

Prestad atención al vídeo que muestra el resultado de un minilibro y a estos otros vídeos perteneceientes al alumnado de quinto curso. 



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